Heavy duty impact garlands

KÜPPER Heavy Duty Impact Garlands

Our KÜPPER Heavy Duty Impact Garlands are a good example of customer-oriented development.

In belt conveyors, the greatest loads on the idlers occur in the impact areas (feed areas) - where the bulk material is fed onto the belt. The feed height is often over 5.0m. In some systems, larger lumps can also occur. In combination with the mass flow of up to 40,000 t/h, this causes high dynamic stresses on all conveyor components in the feed area - but especially on the conveyor rollers that carry the belt.

In order to distribute the loads between several idler rollers and thus reduce them, the idlers in this area are installed at the minimum possible distance from each other. However, this measure leads to the next challenge: quick idler roller replacement is often much more complicated due to the structural situation.

We have developed our Heavy Duty Impact Garlands for our customers in the mining industry in Germany, Australia and Brazil. With the unique 3-part damping system (1. movability of the garland; 2. rubber coating of the rollers; 3. special dampers in the garlands suspension), the high forces are evenly distributed. This ensures a long and reliable service life for the components in the impact area. Our KÜPPER Heavy Duty Impact Garlands can be installed in any belt conveyor, regardless of whether garland idlers or rigid frame idlers were previously used.

KÜPPER Heavy Duty Impact Garlands with Garland Installation Devices

At the same time, a quick garland installation or change is no longer a problem when using our Garland Installation Device that is matched to the construction of the Heavy Duty Impact Garlands! Our KÜPPER Heavy Duty Garland can be changed in around 5 to 10 minutes. This allows you to reduce the downtimes significantly and thus to increase the productivity of your conveyors. 

We are happy to get in touch with you and to help you to improve your conveyors! 

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