Anti-runback rollers

Antirunback roller - a conveyor roller with integrated freewheel

Anti-runback rollers and their application  

Anti-runback rollers are conveyor rollers with an integrated freewheel that only allows the roller tube to rotate in a specific direction.

Such conveyor rollers are mostly used in inclined belt conveyors. They are used to increase the safety of operation of the belt conveyor and prevent uncontrolled backward movement of the belt under the influence of gravity, which can happen, for example, if the belt breaks or the conveyor brakes fail. The integrated freewheel stops the roller tube immediately if it tries to rotate backwards. 

During maintenance work involving the opening of the belt, e.g. when changing the belt or repairing the belt by replacing a damaged belt section, the anti-runback rollers also prove to be very practical, as they hold at least one side of the belt in position.

Dimensions of the anti-runback rollers

Externally, the anti-runback rollers are very similar to the standard conveyor idler rollers. They can only be recognized by the markings indicating the intended direction of rotation. The anti-runback rollers can be used instead of standard conveyor rollers in the existing idler frames without any adjustments. The use of such rollers in garland idlers is also possible. 



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