Suspended idlers

The switching from the use of rigid frame idlers with insert rollers to the use of garlands idlers is possible in most cases and can bring many advantages. One of the possible solutions for the changeover would be the use of " suspended idlers ". This involves the replacing of the previously used rigid frame idlers with our special frames for suspended idlers equipped with the corresponding garland idlers. 

Our special frames for suspended idlers are similar to the classic rigid idler frame and will be developed as customized solution to replace them.

The frames for suspended idlers not only have the necessary mounts for the corresponding garland idlers, but are also structurally reinforced compared to the previosly used rigid idler frames and thus adapted to the changes in force ratios resulting from the changeover.

One example of this is our heavy-duty impact garlands. These were specially developed and successfully used as a replacement for rigid frame impact idlers in an existing highly loaded belt conveyor.

Impact idler in a special designed frame for suspended idlers
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