Intelligent garland

Intelligent garland

The use of the garland suspension of type "Intelligent Garland" is particularly recommended for belt conveyors with frequently changing load situations. This makes it possible to save up to 13% of the energy costs required to drive the conveyor belt.

This suspension was developed by us in close cooperation with the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg and then successfully tested in practice. The measurements carried out during the field test confirmed the previously theoretically calculated values of the savings potential.

This type of suspension also has a very positive effect on the service life of the garland idlers:

  • It ensures a much more even distribution of forces between the adjacent garland idlers.
  • The dynamic loads on the conveyor rollers when transporting larger lumps are reduced, as the suspension works in a similar way to the suspension of a car.
Funktional scheme of the "Intelligent Garland" suspension type
3D-Modell of an conveyor section with suspension of garland idlers of the type "Intelligent Garland"
Field test of the new garland idler suspension in a lignite open pit mine in Germany




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